Glaucoma Treatments

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can sluggishly damage the eyes & can beget irrecoverable damage to the optical nerve performing in vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma has been known since age and occasionally called the “ silent pincher of sight ”. It’s the leading cause of blindness each over the world & affects further than 60 million people worldwide.

maturity of glaucoma’s don’t beget total blindness in the continuance of an existent. The cause of glaucoma is multifactorial and delicate to pinpoint a single cause in utmost cases, but effective webbing & discovery & decisive operation can keep the complaint under check and help from having a free run. This trouble will help save vision. Hence timely discovery and applicable treatment will limit the progression of glaucoma and its goods. So meet your ophthalmologist for an eye check up and screen yourself for glaucoma.